26 Apr,2024


A bunion is unmistakably a hallux valgus deformity that impacts the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. This condition manifests as the first metatarsal bone veering towards the midline, while the first phalanx deviates outward. In some instances, inflammation may accompany this deviation at the 1st MTP joint.

Commonly observed in individuals with flat feet due to their tendency to overpronate while walking, bunion deformity results in increased pressure on the forefoot region. If left unaddressed, the deviation progresses, leading to the overlapping of the great toe and the second toe due to the gradual weakening of the transverse arch.

Identifying Symptoms:

- Redness and inflammation around the great toe, either on one side or both.

- Deviation of the great toe away from the body.

- Pain and discomfort in the great toe during walking.

- Formation of hard skin or calluses over the great toe.

Exploring Treatment Options:

1. Orthotics: Employing orthotic devices helps redistribute pressure evenly, alleviating the strain on the toes.


2. Bunion/Hallu-fix Night Splint: The use of a specially designed night splint can impede further deterioration and prevent the overlapping of toes while providing corrective support.

Taking proactive measures through orthotic solutions and specialized splints can mitigate the progression of bunions, offering relief from associated discomfort and enhancing the overall well-being of individuals affected by this common foot ailment.

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